Hair removal
How does laser hair removal work?
Laser hair removal treatment works by focusing laser light at the base of hair follicles, causing them to cease growth. The laser is attracted to dark pigment in hair (melanin). Using melanin as a conductor, laser energy travels down to the root of the hair follicle where it disperses as thermal energy. This damages the base of the hair follicle rendering it unable to produce hair as quickly. Growth rate will decrease with further treatments.
How many hair removal sessions are needed?
The hair must also be in the active growing phase (Anagen) in its growth cycle for treatment to be effective, as this is when the hair is still connected to the base of the hair follicle. This connection, combined with melanin, provides a direct pathway for the laser energy to travel down and disperse as sufficient heat where the hair is produced at the base of the follicle to damage it and cause it to cease growing.
Not every hair is in the Anagen phase at any one time which is why you will need multiple treatments over time to treat ALL hairs during the Anagen phase. We recommend a course of 6 treatments to achieve hair-free skin. Facial hair is treated once every 4 weeks and body hair is treated once every 8 weeks.
Does laser hair removal work on all hair?
Laser hair removal works on both facial and body hair, including large areas like the legs & back. The laser targets the dark pigment present in some hairs but is not so effective on blonde, white or grey hair.
Is laser hair removal permanent?
On average 80-95% of treated hair is permanently gone after a recommended course of treatments, whereas when you wax, pluck or shave, the hair always grows back. With laser hair removal you need never wax or shave again!
How does laser removal compare to waxing?
Laser hair removal is a long-term hair removal solution, whereas waxing & shaving must be repeated regularly to control regrowth. Laser hair removal actually damages each hair follicle, causing it to stop growing altogether.
Does laser hair removal work for men?
Because laser hair removal is safe, quick & comfortable, it’s ideal for use on large areas of the body, making it particularly suitable men seeking to remove chest, shoulder & back hair.
Spider vein treatment
Does laser vein treatment hurt?
Whilst no needles or incisions are involved, some patients experience a stinging sensation during treatment. Whilst the cooling “chill tip” on our laser equipment is normally all that is required reduce any discomfort to an acceptable level, some patients choose to apply a numbing cream prior to treatment. Following the treatment, the pain is minimal to non-existent.
How long does laser vein treatment take?
Laser treatments generally last for 15 to 20 minutes per session depending on the size of the vein and the extent of the area being treated.
How many laser vein treatments are required?
1 – 2 Laser treatments are usually sufficient to effectively treat spider veins and 2 – 5 laser treatments for small varicose veins in the legs. Laser therapy usually isn’t effective for varicose veins larger than 5 mm which may require radio-frequency treatment in combination with laser treatment to be effective. You will receive advice on your own requirements during your free consultation.
How quickly will I see results?
The majority of the veins treated with laser therapy show significant improvement within 2 – 6 weeks of each treatment. Final results may not be apparent for a few months.
How long does recovery take?
Most patients general return to normal activity immediately although it is recommended that you avoid strenuous exercise for the first 24 hours after laser vein treatment.
Are there any side effects?
Most patients report few, if any, side effects following laser vein treatment. Some patients may experience some redness or localised skin swelling that usually disappears within 24 hours. Where larger veins are treated some pigmented discoloration may persist for a few weeks.
How does Laser Vein Therapy work?
The laser delivers pulses of light energy that cause the blood within the vein to coagulate. This eventually destroys the vessel which is later reabsorbed by your body. Whilst this process is happening, blood flow is redirected to veins deeper below your skin’s surface, where it should be.
Can spider veins return even after treatment?
Non-surgical laser treatment for spider veins and small varicose veins has a very high success rate in comparison with traditional surgical treatments. Over a period of years, however, more abnormal veins can develop because there is no cure for weak vein valves. Periodic “top-up” treatment can help keep a recurrence of spider and varicose veins under control.
What spider veins?
Varicose veins are enlarged veins that can be blue, red, or flesh-coloured. Varicose veins are often twisted and swollen; raised above the skin surface. Varicose veins are often found on the thighs, backs of the calves, or the inside of the leg.
What are spider veins?
Spider veins are like varicose veins but smaller. They lie closer to the surface of the skin than varicose veins. Often, they are red or blue. They often look like jagged spider webs; hence the name. Thread veins is simply another name for spider veins. They are often found on the legs and face.
What causes spider veins?
Spider veins can be caused by weak or damaged valves in the veins. These valves act as one-way flap to prevent blood flowing backwards. If the valves become weak, blood can leak back into the veins and collect there. When backed-up blood makes the veins bigger, they can become varicose.
Spider veins can be caused by the backup of blood or caused by hormone changes, exposure to the sun, and injuries.
How common are abnormal leg veins?
About 50 to 55 percent of women and 40 to 45 percent of men suffer from some type of vein problem. Varicose veins affect half of people 50 years and older.
Why do spider veins usually appear in the legs?
Most varicose and spider veins appear in the legs due to the pressure of body weight, force of gravity, and the fact that the leg veins have the hardest job transporting blood back to the heart. This can put the leg veins under more pressure than the one-way valves in the veins can cope with
If you are considering laser tattoo removal, we are sure you have lots of questions about it. If after reading the following FAQ with the most common questions we get asked all the time, please do not hesitate to contact us. We also offer a free pre-treatment consultation to give you a better understanding of what is achievable.
Will laser treatment hurt?
It feels like an elastic band been twanged against the skin! So whilst not painless, it’s quicker than getting a new tattoo, and the discomfort is probably no more than you experienced when you got the tattoo initially. Discomfort can be reduced by applying anaesthetic cream beforehand and icepacks during treatment.
Is laser tattoo removal safe?
Yes! During laser tattoo removal the laser operates in short, fraction of a second bursts, targeted only at your tattoo. It does not affect surrounding skin.
Will laser tattoo removal scar me?
No! Laser tattoo removal should not scar you. Instead of forcing ink out through the skin, it breaks it down so your immune system can attack and pull it out through your lymphatic system.
Will laser tattoo removal burn me?
No! We use only the latest most advanced lasers that are much gentler and pass freely through skin without burning. We do not use older CO2 type lasers that can burn skin.
How many sessions are required?
Several treatments may be needed before the tattoo fades enough to no longer be seen. The number of sessions is dependent on the tattoo complexity, ink type, colours used, tattoo depth, tattoo age and skin colour of the client.
5-15 laser tattoo removal sessions may be required before the tattoo fades entirely. Session times vary dependent upon the size and complexity of the tattoo and patient sensitivity.
Is laser tattoo removal suitable for anyone?
Laser Treatments insist on an initial consultation with questions on your general health and any medication you take. If you are fit and healthy, answer questions honestly and follow recommended aftercare you should be fine.
Can you remove a multi-coloured tattoo?
Most colours can be removed with laser tattoo removal. Black, dark blue and red tattoos respond really well to laser removal. More difficult tattoo colours to remove are white, yellow, purple and pink, but are easier to cover up. Green is probably the most difficult tattoo colour to remove. Laser Treatments uses an advanced laser that is good for most colours giving you the best results possible.
Typical costs for laser tattoo removal?
Laser Treatments offers an affordable laser tattoo removal and reduction service with prices based on the size of tattoo to be removed. As a guide single session for a small tattoo would cost around £50, regardless of the colour or density of ink involved. Several sessions are likely to be required and discounts are available if you book a course of treatments. Laser treatment can also be used to fade a tattoo before a tattoo cover-up.
What other methods of tattoo removal exist?
Whilst other methods of tattoo removal exist, they are either not very effective e.g. tattoo fading creams, or can leave scarring e.g. dermabrasion, cryosurgery or excision.
Why Tattoo dermabrasion should be avoided?
Dermabrasion, as its name suggests, is an invasive procedure. It literally abraids the skin – a bit like using a Black & Decker Sander to remove your tattoo! With dermabrasion tattoo removal, several layers of skin are also removed, deep enough to remove the tattoo. This includes the dermis, which does not renew itself, so making scarring more likely. So beware, tattoo dermabrasion can damage the dermis!
Why tattoo removal cream should be avoided?
Effective tattoo removal creams contain an active ingredient (chemical / acid) strong enough to break down the ink. The problem is the active ingredient can damage the skin.
So beware, scarring and burns from the use of tattoo removal creams are as common as the online forum discussions on scarring from people who have used such creams and who are now seeking help with scar removal.
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