Cellulite and body shape issues are a problem that affect millions of people all ages. Those dimpled, fatty deposits that are usually found in the thighs, waist and buttocks, that even the strictest diets and exercise do not seem to shift.

Laser assisted slimming techniques are proving to be an amazing aid to this challenge. Any fatty area of the body can be safely treated. If you suffer with this issue, we will work alongside you to achieve your goal safely and positively.

Laser treatment for acne

Laser treatment for acne

Our Total skin clinic prides itself on positive results with acute skin disorders. Acnesufferers often experience severe anxiety and poor self esteem.

There are now effective treatments available to treat acne. Our specialists skin clinic offer laser treatments which provides amazing results.

Dermalogica treatments include specialised acne products...

Laser treatment for Rosacea

Laser treatment for Rosacea

This is a chronic skin condition which causes flushing of the face, neck and even the chest. It can look similar to sun burn or blushing but in extreme places the skin can resemble a severe burnt look. It is actually caused by enlarged blood vessels. Laser treatments can help regulate this condition. If you have any questions at all...

Any concern, pop in for a coffee

Any concern, pop in for a coffee

If you have any general skin concerns, just pop in for a coffee. We would love to offer advise.

Laser skin lifting treatment

Laser skin lifting treatment

Skin pigmentation disorders occur in all of us. They occur naturally from general environmental assault, sun exposure and ageing. Age spots as well as larger pigmented patches of the skin can create an uneven look, but moreover produces an alter appearance. These marks are very common on the hands, forearms, chest, face or any area that is often in direct sunlight. It is important to point out that even in winter, the sun can cause damage. If you want to improve the general appearance of your skin, the Total skin clinic offer laser amongst other excellent skin care. Often just a couple of laser treatments can remove superficial marks.